It is time to choose your Independent Reading book for the 1st quarter. The requirements for each quarter are that you read at least 400 pages of a selection which challenges you, complete all check-ins, and present a final project at the end of the quarter to demonstrate understanding of your book. DO NOT CHOOSE A BOOK YOU HAVE ALREADY READ.
Please complete this discussion post by giving me the following information:
-# of pages (Find this info on if you have a kindle)
-A brief summary of your book
-Why did you choose this book?
Remember, each response must be at least 50 words and should cover all questions posed. It is due by midnight this Friday. I believe I have spoken with all of you who had issues over the summer posting to the site. Remember to check the following:
1. Log into your Google account before posting.
2. Be sure you are using Safari or Chrome. Firefox has issues.
3. Make sure your permissions are open so you have access to the site.
4. Copy your response before you hit submit in case it is deleted.
Avoid trying to post from your phone, iPod, or iPad. If you are still having issues with your home computer, you may use a computer in my room after you finish your bell ringer.
Mrs. K