Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Independent Reading Book Choice (Due Friday, 11/7)

It is time to choose your Independent Reading book for the 1st quarter. The requirements for each quarter are that you read at least 400 pages of a selection which challenges you, complete all check-ins, and present a final project at the end of the quarter to demonstrate understanding of your book. DO NOT CHOOSE A BOOK YOU HAVE ALREADY READ.

Please complete this discussion post by giving me the following information:

-# of pages (Find this info on if you have a kindle)
-A brief summary of your book
-Why did you choose this book?

Remember, each response must be at least 50 words and should cover all questions posed. 

Mrs. K

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Memoir Specifics (Due Monday)

Some of you have emailed me asking questions about the memoir. Here are the specifics.

The memoir must be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font with 1" margins. Include a title. Remember the criteria we workshopped in class: reader engagement, resolution, tone, and the "oh duh" issues. You will submit your timeline, rough draft, and final paper.

Remember that your papers and Independent Reading projects are due on Monday. Email your paper and/or summary to me if you are having printer issues.

I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend but are also working diligently and will be prepared for class on Monday. 

Mrs. K

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Independent Reading Project (Due Tuesday, 11/14)

Independent Reading Project

Here are your options for your independent reading (AR) project. Remember, the main purpose of this assignment is for me to assess your reading comprehension. However, I also want you to be creative and have fun with this! Feel free to email me with suggestions not listed here. Please keep in mind that ALL written projects must be typed, along with your summary.

1. Write a poem about your book. There aren't really any rules with this. The poem may illustrate one of the many themes of the book or address one of the conflicts. It might paint a picture of one of the characters or contrast oppositions in the book. It doesn't need to fit any particular structure and it most definitely doesn't need to rhyme. Just start writing and see what you create! Of course, the poem should be long enough to show reading comprehension. Please type this.

2. Create a children's book. You will basically rewrite your book in simpler terms and use illustrations to help. Feel free to use metaphors and other forms of imagery to tell your story. You must have a minimum of 5 pages to complete the entire plot diagram (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution).

3. Rewrite the ending. You may choose to rewrite the ending of your book. You will need to include enough information in this final chapter to show that you have read and understand the book and to give the reader enough information to understand your new conclusion. Please type this.

4. Illustrate your novel. Choose a character, a chapter, or a theme from the book to portray through art. You may complete a drawing, painting, sculpture, or any other form of art. Remember, I must be able to assess your reading comprehension through your project. Type up a brief summary of your book.

5. Create a movie trailer or a scene from the book. This can be done with real footage or with animations. Remember, I must be able to assess your reading comprehension through your project.

Mrs. K