Monday, December 1, 2014

Independent Reading Project (Due Friday, 12/5)

Independent Reading Project

Here are your options for your independent reading (AR) project. Remember, the main purpose of this assignment is for me to assess your reading comprehension. However, I also want you to be creative and have fun with this! Feel free to email me with suggestions not listed here. Please keep in mind that ALL written projects must be typed, along with your summary.

1. Write a poem about your book. There aren't really any rules with this. The poem may illustrate one of the many themes of the book or address one of the conflicts. It might paint a picture of one of the characters or contrast oppositions in the book. It doesn't need to fit any particular structure and it most definitely doesn't need to rhyme. Just start writing and see what you create! Of course, the poem should be long enough to show reading comprehension. Please type this.

2. Create a children's book. You will basically rewrite your book in simpler terms and use illustrations to help. Feel free to use metaphors and other forms of imagery to tell your story. You must have a minimum of 5 pages to complete the entire plot diagram (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution).

3. Rewrite the ending. You may choose to rewrite the ending of your book. You will need to include enough information in this final chapter to show that you have read and understand the book and to give the reader enough information to understand your new conclusion. Please type this.

4. Illustrate your novel. Choose a character, a chapter, or a theme from the book to portray through art. You may complete a drawing, painting, sculpture, or any other form of art. Remember, I must be able to assess your reading comprehension through your project. Type up a brief summary of your book.

5. Create a movie trailer or a scene from the book. This can be done with real footage or with animations. Remember, I must be able to assess your reading comprehension through your project.

Remember, you may not complete the same project as last quarter. Also, be sure to put lots of effort into this. Be creative and have fun!

Prompt: What project have you decided to complete? Tell me all about it. 

Mrs. K

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Independent Reading Book Choice (Due Friday, 11/7)

It is time to choose your Independent Reading book for the 1st quarter. The requirements for each quarter are that you read at least 400 pages of a selection which challenges you, complete all check-ins, and present a final project at the end of the quarter to demonstrate understanding of your book. DO NOT CHOOSE A BOOK YOU HAVE ALREADY READ.

Please complete this discussion post by giving me the following information:

-# of pages (Find this info on if you have a kindle)
-A brief summary of your book
-Why did you choose this book?

Remember, each response must be at least 50 words and should cover all questions posed. 

Mrs. K

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Memoir Specifics (Due Monday)

Some of you have emailed me asking questions about the memoir. Here are the specifics.

The memoir must be 2-3 pages, typed, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman font with 1" margins. Include a title. Remember the criteria we workshopped in class: reader engagement, resolution, tone, and the "oh duh" issues. You will submit your timeline, rough draft, and final paper.

Remember that your papers and Independent Reading projects are due on Monday. Email your paper and/or summary to me if you are having printer issues.

I hope you are all enjoying your long weekend but are also working diligently and will be prepared for class on Monday. 

Mrs. K

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Independent Reading Project (Due Tuesday, 11/14)

Independent Reading Project

Here are your options for your independent reading (AR) project. Remember, the main purpose of this assignment is for me to assess your reading comprehension. However, I also want you to be creative and have fun with this! Feel free to email me with suggestions not listed here. Please keep in mind that ALL written projects must be typed, along with your summary.

1. Write a poem about your book. There aren't really any rules with this. The poem may illustrate one of the many themes of the book or address one of the conflicts. It might paint a picture of one of the characters or contrast oppositions in the book. It doesn't need to fit any particular structure and it most definitely doesn't need to rhyme. Just start writing and see what you create! Of course, the poem should be long enough to show reading comprehension. Please type this.

2. Create a children's book. You will basically rewrite your book in simpler terms and use illustrations to help. Feel free to use metaphors and other forms of imagery to tell your story. You must have a minimum of 5 pages to complete the entire plot diagram (introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution).

3. Rewrite the ending. You may choose to rewrite the ending of your book. You will need to include enough information in this final chapter to show that you have read and understand the book and to give the reader enough information to understand your new conclusion. Please type this.

4. Illustrate your novel. Choose a character, a chapter, or a theme from the book to portray through art. You may complete a drawing, painting, sculpture, or any other form of art. Remember, I must be able to assess your reading comprehension through your project. Type up a brief summary of your book.

5. Create a movie trailer or a scene from the book. This can be done with real footage or with animations. Remember, I must be able to assess your reading comprehension through your project.

Mrs. K

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Independent Reading Book Choice (Due Friday, 9/5)

It is time to choose your Independent Reading book for the 1st quarter. The requirements for each quarter are that you read at least 400 pages of a selection which challenges you, complete all check-ins, and present a final project at the end of the quarter to demonstrate understanding of your book. DO NOT CHOOSE A BOOK YOU HAVE ALREADY READ.

Please complete this discussion post by giving me the following information:

-# of pages (Find this info on if you have a kindle)
-A brief summary of your book
-Why did you choose this book?

Remember, each response must be at least 50 words and should cover all questions posed. It is due by midnight this Friday. I believe I have spoken with all of you who had issues over the summer posting to the site. Remember to check the following:

1. Log into your Google account before posting.
2. Be sure you are using Safari or Chrome. Firefox has issues.
3. Make sure your permissions are open so you have access to the site.
4. Copy your response before you hit submit in case it is deleted.

Avoid trying to post from your phone, iPod, or iPad. If you are still having issues with your home computer, you may use a computer in my room after you finish your bell ringer.

Mrs. K

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Discussion Prompt #5 (Due by August 8th)

Wow, I cannot believe the end of the summer is almost here! This is the last blog post for our summer reading of Things Fall Apart. I hope you have enjoyed reading and discussing the book. We will be doing much more of the latter once school starts up later this month.

I am happy to see that many of you took my constructive feedback to heart and really applied it to your posts. Keep up the good work! If you missed a post, be sure to make it up ASAP. 

Before we move on to our discussion, I’d like to take a minute to urge all of you to come prepared to the first day of school. You will need your book and any notes you have taken. Also, you will need a 3-ring binder and 5 dividers. Preparedness is essential to do well in this class.

Now, onto Things Fall Apart.

The final five chapters of the book left my head spinning. So much happened and I was left with so many questions. Did anyone else find Okonkwo’s death sudden and anti-climatic? 

Discussion Questions:

Many changes occurred in the last 5 chapters. Describe how Okonkwo’s reactions differ from his clansmen as the “White men” take over Umuofia. Provide details from the text and incorporate your thought process as you read.

Finally, do you consider Okonkwo a hero? Why or why not? Please be specific here.

Be sure to answer each part of the discussion topic and support your answer by using specifics from the text.

~Mrs. K

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Discussion Prompt #4 (Due by July 25th)

Great job to those of you who are pulling examples from the text and limiting your own opinions. Wonderful! We are nearing the end of the book and quite a bit is and will continue changing. I am enjoying all of your posts and am excited for our in-class discussions! This post has quite a few questions, so please remember to respond to each part. 
We only have 2 posts left! I am expecting thoughtful and complete answers submitted ON TIME! Thanks for all of your work thus far.

***If you have missed a post, please go back and complete it ASAP.

Keep reading! If you are still having issues posting- NO WORRIES! Just email me your response for now. You will still get full credit.

~Mrs. K

Discussion Prompt #4:

We have not read a lot about Nwoye in the past several chapters. Think back on the beginning chapters and recall his relationship with his father. Okonkwo often beat Nwoye for being lazy and weak. He believes that Nwoye was positively influenced by Ikemefuna, but Nwoye retreats into himself after Ikemefuna's murder. His confusion and reluctance to accept the values of his culture turn into pure embitterment.

How do the Christian Missionaries affect Nwoye? Was this expected?  
How does Okonkwo react to Nwoye's decision to leave the family? Was this expected? 
Lastly, discuss your thoughts as you read about the Missionaries and the changes that are occurring in Mbanta and surrounding villages as a result of their coming.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Discussion #3 (Due July 11th)

I hope that everyone is enjoying both summertime and our summer reading. It seems that we have all of the technical issues resolved. Awesome! Remember, if you are getting an error message, check YOUR settings and make sure you are using the correct browser. Also, I apologize for the late post here. I meant to post of Friday. I understand that many of you are away this week and it is okay if you are late on the post. Please keep in mind that I wont post threads early. I want students to finish the reading before they see my post, so your opinions are your own. However, my plan is to get them up a week before the due date. 

The good news is we are over half way through our book! I am happy to see that most of you are keeping up with the reading and are posting on time. Keep going!

I am happy to see that most of you are answering EVERY part of the discussion questions. I am not simply looking for your opinion. Yes, the culture is different and Okonkwo can be a horrible man and there are many sad occurrences. I am looking for a deeper connection to the text. I am also NOT simply looking for a summary. I need to see that you comprehend the text and are able to analyze each component. Be sure to answer EACH part of the discussion questions. 
Here is an example of an exemplary response to discussion thread #2:

Ikemefuna's death is horrific. Describe your thoughts while reading chapter 7. How does the Ibo culture play into the boy's death and the reactions afterward?  

And now we see another weakness of Okonkwo. He has to appear impressive to the other villagers.The fact that he participated in the execution of Ikemefuna, shows that he is trapped in a paradox. If he doesn’t help kill him, he is viewed as weak. But since he did help kill him, he is sent into a depression and views himself as weak. Thus you see that he cares more about what other people see him doing rather than what he would do alone. I thought that it was terrible to attack Ikemefuna with a machete. I do admire that Okonkwo didn’t tell him what was really happening. Sometimes the anticipation and dread of the event would be worse than the actual execution. That shows that he might have an inkling of a conscience.
 After the execution Okonkwo is depressed for a couple of days. He wonders why he feels so guilty. The rest of his family is sad also. Nwoye was shocked and became mildly depressed and lost all energy. But the other villagers don’t notice a thing. Some even treat it like a sport. Ibo culture is brutal but it seemed that Ikemefuna’s death was a little over the top.

The writer addresses all 3 of the questions in the prompts:

1.    What are your thoughts while reading chapter 7?
2.    How does the Ibo culture play into the boy’s death?
3.    How does the Ibo culture play into the reactions afterward?

The only suggestion I have for this response is to cite the source. 


We will be relating Things Fall Apart to The Odyssey in the fall and it is crucial that you all come in with a significant understanding of the text. Please remember that these posts will equal a total of 100 points. This means that you can and should have an A coming into the class in August. I cannot, however, give full credit to students who are submitting assignments that are incomplete. Feel free to go back and add to any of your responses if need be. 

Discussion Thread:

Chapters 10 introduces the egwugwu, the clan’s ancestral spirits who administer justice.  This sets up the order of discipline that will inevitably be carried out on Okonkwo in the following chapters. We learn about Chielo and the Oracle of the Hills and Caves in chapters 11 & 12. This is another example of how the villagers don’t have much say at all in their lives and that everything is left up to the spirits.  Chapters 13-15 are dedicated to Okonkwo’s exile and finally, the introduction of the “white man.” These chapters are really a turning point in both the novel and the culture itself.

Uchendu, Okonkwo’s uncle, calls all of his family together. He asks Okonkwo about the meaning of Nneka (pg 116-7):

“’Can you tell me, Okonkwo, why it is that one of the commonest names we give our children is Nneka, or ‘Mother is Supreme’? We all know that a man is the head of the family and his wives do his bidding. A child belongs to its father and his family and not to its mother and her family. A man belongs to his fatherland and not his motherland. And yet we say Nneka – ‘Mother is Supreme.’ Why is that?’”

Okonkwo does not seem to know the answer to this seemingly easy question. Chapter 14 ends when Uchendu answers it for him.

How does Uchendu answer his own question? How does his answer relate to Okonkwo and the way he lives his life? Why is this speech so significant at this point in the story?

Be sure to answer each part of the discussion topic and support your answer by using specifics from the text.

Keep reading!

~Mrs. K

Monday, June 23, 2014

Discussion Prompt #2 (Due by June 27th)

Hello students!

I hope you are all enjoying your summer break. I appreciate the time you are putting into your reading and responses. I am working on reading through all of your posts and responding to each. Please take the time to read my comments. Also, feel free to read and respond to any and all of the posts.

I am pleased to see that you are all forming opinions based on the text. It can be difficult to relate to the story, as the culture is quite different. Some of you might be struggling to understand the historical context that contributes to Okonkwo's behavior. Learning a bit about the author might help. Read this summary for further understanding. Many of you were able to see two sides to Okonkwo. Great work! Keep this in mind as you continue reading.

You should have completed chapters 1-10 by now. These chapters have given the reader a fairly full picture of what life in the Umuofia clan is like for Okonkwo and his people. You have probably developed opinions about both Okonkwo and his culture. Though Okonkwo has made some poor decisions, Ikemefuna brings out a different side of him.

Here is your discussion prompt:

Ikemefuna's death is horrific. Describe your thoughts while reading chapter 7. How does the Ibo culture play into the boy's death and the reactions afterward? 

Note: Please comment on the reactions of both Okonkwo and the other characters.

You must respond to the entire discussion prompt. Please use specifics from the text to support your answer. Remember to include page numbers if you reference the text (which you should all be doing).

~Mrs. K

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Checking In (6/17)

I'm enjoying all of your responses to our 1st discussion thread!  It's interesting to see the different and shared perspectives you all have. Great job pulling specifics from the text to support your answer and citing the text. I will try to leave comments on all of your responses, but it will take time. I've received several emails and I'm getting to them as quickly as I can. I would like to address some of the main concerns here.

1. If you are using a Kindle or other eReader, you still need to cite your source. You may use the % for these discussion threads.

2. Some of you have emailed me your responses because you are getting an error message. First of all, THANK YOU for letting me know that you are having issues BEFORE the deadline. I appreciate your work ethic. Don't worry about not receiving credit. I can see that you are trying and I am grateful that you posted your response in the email to me. However, this is an issue that we need to resolve, as we will use my blog throughout the school year. I have two suggestions. First, try using a different web browser. I use Safari and I haven't had any issues. I've heard Firefox isn't as compatible with Blogger. My next suggestion is to check your internet settings. If neither of these work, email me a screenshot of the error message. Once you get it figured out, please post your response from the email you sent me onto the blog. I can't actually put these into PowerSchool until the school year has started and I'd like all of the entries in one place.

I hope you are enjoying the book. Remember to use the guides at the end of the book or the link I posted in the last thread if you are having a tough time keeping the characters straight or understanding the language.

I will have the next post up in a few days. I want to give you all enough time to read before I give anything away with my thread. Remember, it is due on June 27th.


Note: Are you looking for another way to stay connected?

I will post deadlines and other info. Here is the link:
Again, PLEASE refrain from sending a friend request to my personal account.


Thanks! Enjoy your summer.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Discussion Prompt #1 (Due by June 13th)

Please FIRST read the post entitled "Welcome To Honors English 9!" before this one. 

Now that you have read the first 5 chapters ofThings Fall Apart, you should have a strong impression of Okonkwo. You might also be a bit overwhelmed with all of the many cultural differences between yourself and the villagers. That’s okay! I hope that you are taking advantage of the glossary in the back on the book to help with the Ibo words. Please write down all of the questions you have along the way, as this will guide our discussions once class begins in August. Feel free to post any questions you have now as well.

I realize that it can be difficult to keep all of the characters straight. Use this website as a guide to help keep track of who’s who:

Remember to post your response to this discussion by midnight on June 13th. Please discuss the prompt below. Remember to follow the 50-word minimum.

I hope you are having a wonderful break and will continue to enjoy the book!

Mrs. K

Discussion Prompt #1:

The text states, “Age was respected among his people, but achievement was revered. As the elders said, if a child washed his hands he could eat with kings. Okonkwo had clearly washed his hands and so he ate with kings and elders” (5-6).

How have Okonkwo’s feelings about his father shaped his relationships with his wives and children? Explain why you think this is by pulling specifics from the texts. Be sure to cite your source like I did above. 

Welcome To Honors English 9!

I'm so excited to start a new year! I know it is summer break and you will be busy resting and having fun! Thanks for taking the time to complete the summer reading assignment.

Before we begin, I'd like to go over my contact information. You may email me at any time at Please do not add me personally on any social media accounts. However, I've created a public Facebook page to use as a resource for all of my students. Please "like" this page to stay updated on everything. If you're struggling with the link, you may search for "Mrs. Killian's Classroom."

Let's get started!

Your summer reading assignment is Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe. Please find a copy as soon as possible and start reading! Check the local libraries for a copy. Here is a link to purchase the text on Amazon:

Honors 9 Summer Reading Assignment

Overview:  This summer you will expected to read one novel, post comments about the novel on this blog, and prepare to hit the ground running the first day of classes in the fall.  While this sounds like a lot, keep in mind that you have all summer to do it, and that the end goal is to be able to take AP Literature and Composition and pass the AP test.

Objective:  To help prepare you to pass the AP Literature and Composition test your senior year.  By doing this you will receive college credit (based on the score) to nearly any college or university that you may wish to attend.

Materials Required:  You are required to buy or borrow the following book-

Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe

Assignment #1 – Discussion Thread (100 points – 20 points each)
Students will be required to read Things Fall Apart at the pace of about five chapters every two weeks.  Students will then log onto this blog and comment on a discussion question that I will have posted.  The response must be at least 50 words.  Blog entries will be due by midnight on the following dates:

Due to the nature of the class (it being honors and all) I will not accept late work.  If there are extreme circumstances, work will be accepted at my discretion.

Check this blog regularly for additional information. Remember, your first discussion thread is due on June 13th. There will be a separate post for each discussion thread. Be sure to respond to each post under the specific post. If you have any questions, please email me at Enjoy the book and have a wonderful summer!

NOTE: Each discussion thread will be posted after the previous deadline has passed. You may click on the date to link to the thread. PLEASE DO NOT respond to posts here. Go to the specific post to comment.